Located in Lençóis Maranhenses National Park exists two indigenous communities Queimada dos Britos and Baixa Grande. These semi-nomadic groups have established themselves amongst the ever changing landscape, and survive by fishing from from the nearby coast and the naturally forming lagoons during the rainy season. As these communities are isolated from both the coast and each other, transporting hand crafted boats and traversing the dunes has proven to be an extremely difficult task.
By locating the proposed Boat Pavilion at a commonly utilized inlet known as Praia dos Grande Lençóis, the process of carrying boats across vast stretches of sand is alleviated. The pavilion which is constructed using local building techniques and materials, becomes both a shelter and place of building for both communities and their fishing vessels. The lightly framed canopy built upon naturally produced concrete, was designed with the intention of easy deployment of a woven rattan roof cladding. The pavilion acts as an impermanent structure within an unpredictable landscape.

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